We are so incredibly lucky to have Maungatapere mountain right on our doorstep.
Did you know it is one of the last remaining volcanoes of its kind in New Zealand? While others have been quarried or altered, Maungatapere is the only one in the region with complete native forest cover. This forest includes two nationally rare types: volcanic broad-leafed forest and swamp forest, featuring the highly endangered Marie tree.
Maungatapere is so unique that it was once considered one of the top 10 sites in New Zealand to be preserved by the Department of Conservation. Rumor has it there's even a photo of Maungatapere Mountain at Buckingham Palace.

With all these amazing features, it's clear we need to take care of it. Thankfully, we have the Maungatapere Mountain Trust—a group of passionate locals dedicated to protecting and restoring the maunga.
From weeding and pest control to helping with the community nursery or replanting land, there are many ways you can get involved.
Community Nursery Needs Land to Plant
If you're a local landowner or have a community space that could use native plants, the Maungatapere Mountain Trust would love to hear from you. Their community nursery grows plants for the winter planting season, not just for the maunga but to help restore biodiversity across the region. They cover a wide area, including Kokopu, Maungatapere, Whatitiri, Titoki, Poroti, and out towards Maunu.

If you've been thinking about planting on your land or want to get involved in a great community initiative, reach out to them. Plants are free for landowners who participate in the nursery throughout the year. Plus, during the winter planting season, volunteers will help plant the trees on your property. That's a win/win in our book!
Get involved
Many hands make light work and there are several ways you can get involved with helping restore Maungatapere mountain and our ecological district:

Lend a hand at the nursery
Every week volunteers meet to pot plants and look after the nursery growing native plants. Tuesday's, 4.30pm (winter), 5.30pm (summer) at the yards opposite Watrous Downs, 1478 SH14.
Volunteer at planting days
Planting days are held over the winter months so plants have a chance to get established.
Help control weeds
Weed control working bees are held throughout the year, but you can do your bit any time! If you are walking on the maunga or in surrounding areas, why not pop a breadbag in your pocket and pull out some weeds as you walk. Asparagus weed especially is a problem for the maunga.
Control those pests
Possums, rats and mustelids are an ongoing problem for the maunga so the team do regular pest control. It's a great way to really see the mountain, get bit of exercise and care for the plants and birds too.
Plant your land
If you’re a landowner wanting to plant trees or restore a wetland, get in touch and register your interest for next planting season.

A wetland area in Titoki waiting to be planted
Find out more
You'll find the Maungatapere Mountain Trust on Facebook, email maungataperemountain@gmail.com, or call Sara Brill on 022 010 4092 to find out more or register your interest.