Mangakahia Junior Football
Contact Details

Junior Football is open to all children aged from 4 -13 years. Most teams are mixed boys and girls.
Training is held at either Mangakahia Complex or Maungatapere School and runs for approximately one hour:
Fees are set at $80 per season, with discounts for 2 or more players from the same family.
Uniforms are provided by the club, players only need boots, shin pads and socks.
Little Kicks
Three year olds can start playing in the year they are turning 4. Little Kicks generally play at Kensington Park with kick off at 8.30am on Saturday mornings with three games played. There are also a few tournaments held at Tikipunga.
Grade 9 and above
Grade 9 and above usually have a home game at the Mangakahia Sports Complex and an away game elsewhere.
Soccer is great for young kids to start a team game. They will learn great base skills, improve co-ordination, fitness, be part of a team, make friends and have a great time.